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shall not be reappointed to other offices in other provinces, or hope to be reinstated or receive any further honors.

The present decree must be printed and published to warn the officials and put an end to all shameful customs.

Respect this!


Regulations for the improvement of the course of the Whangpu

I. A River Conservancy Board [Conseil fluvial] is established at Shanghai for the Whangpu River.

II. The Board shall have the twofold duty of acting as agent for the straightening and improvement of the river, and as controlling agent.

III. The jurisdiction of the Board shall extend from a line drawn from the lower limit of the Kiang-nan Arsenal towards the mouth of Arsenal Creek, to the red buoy in the Yangtze.

IV. The Board shall consist of: (a) The Taotai; (b) the Commissioner of Customs; (c) two members elected by the Consular Body; (d) two members of the General Chamber of Commerce of Shanghai, elected by the committee of the said Chamber; (e) two members representing shipping interests, elected by shipping companies, commercial firms, and the merchants the total of whose entrances and clearances at Shanghai, Woosung, and other ports on the Whangpu exceeds 50,000 tons per annum; (f) a member of the Municipal Council of the International Settlement; (g) a member of the Municipal Council of the French Concession, and (h) a representative of each country the total tonnage of whose ships entering and clearing at Shanghai and any other port of the Whangpu exceeds two hundred thousand tons ayear.

V. The ex officio members shall hold office as long as they fill the position by virtue of which they sit on the Board.

VI. The representatives of the Municipal Councils and of the Chamber of Commerce shall be elected for a period of one year. They may be immediately reelected.

The term of office of the members to be designated by the Governments (provided under paragraph h) shall also be one year.

The term of the other members is for three years. They may be immediately reelected.

VII. In case of a vacancy during a term, the successor of the out-going member shall be designated for one year or for three years, according to the class to which he belongs.

VIII. The Board shall elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman from amongst its members for a term of one year. If there is no majority at the election of Chairman, the Senior Consul shall be requested to give a casting vote.