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  • Delegate of Bolivia:
    • Fernando E. Guachalla
  • Delegate of El Salvador:
    • Baltasar Estupinian
  • Delegate of Colombia:
    • Rafael Reyes*
  • For the Delegation of Honduras and as the Delegate of Nicaragua:
    • F. Dávila*
  • Delegates of the United States of America:
    • William I. Buchanan*
    • Charles M. Pepper*
    • Volney W. Foster*

Art. 4th. In order that the widest and most unrestricted application of the principle of just arbitration may be satisfactorily and definitely brought about at the earliest possible day, and, to the end that the most advanced and mutually advantageous form in which the said principle can be expressed in a Convention to be signed between the American Republics may be fully ascertained, the President of Mexico is hereby most respectfully requested to ascertain by careful investigation the views of the different Governments represented in the Conference regarding the most advanced form in which a General Arbitration Convention could be drawn that would meet with the approval and secure the final ratification of all the countries in the Conference, and, after the conclusion of this inquiry, to prepare a plan for such a General Convention as would apparently meet the wishes of all the Republics; and, if possible, arrange for a series of protocols to carry the plan into execution; or, if this should be found to be impracticable, then to present the correspondence with a report to the next Conference.

Mexico, January 15, 1902

  • Delegation of Guatemala:
    • Antonio Lazo Arriaga
    • Francisco Orla
  • Delegates of Mexico:
    • G. Raigosa
    • Joaquín D. Casasús
    • José López-portillo y Rojas
    • E. Pardo (jr.)
    • Pablo Macedo
    • Alfredo Chavero
    • F. L. de la Barra
    • Manuel Sánchez Mármol
    • Rosendo Pineda
  • Delegate of Haiti:
    • J. N. Léger
  • Delegation of Peru:
    • Isaac Alzamora
    • Manuel Alvarez Calderón
    • Alberto Elmore
  • Delegation of the United States of America:
    • William I. Buchanan
    • Charles M. Pepper
    • Volney W. Foster
  • Uruguay:
    • Juan Cuestas
  • Argentine Delegation:
    • A. Bermejo
    • Lorenzo Anadón
  • Delegate of Costa Rica:
    • J. B. Calvo
  • For the Delegation of Honduras and as the Delegate of Nicaragua:
    • F. Dávila
  • Delegate of Paraguay:
    • Cecilio Baez
  • Delegate of Bolivia:
    • Fernando E. Guachalla
  • Delegates of the Dominican Republic:
    • Fed. Henríquez i Carvajal
    • Quintín Gutiérrez
  • Delegate of Colombia:
    • Rafael Reyes
  • Delegate of El Salvador:
    • Baltasar Estupinian