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Desiring that their respective countries should be represented at the Second International American Conference, sent thereto duly authorized to approve the recommendations, resolutions, conventions and treaties that they might deem convenient for the interests of America, the following Delegates:

  • For the Argentine Republic.—His Excellency Antonio Bermejo, His Excellency Martín García Mérou, His Excellency Lorenzo Anadón.
  • For Bolivia.—His Excellency Fernando E. Guachalla.
  • For Colombia.—His Excellency Carlos Martínez Silva, His Excellency General Rafael Reyes.
  • For Costa Rica.—His Excellency Joaquín Bernardo Calvo.
  • For Chili.—His Excellency Alberto Blest Gana, His Excellency Emilio Bello Codecido, His Excellency Joaquín Walker Martínez, His Excellency Augusto Matte.
  • For the Dominican Republic.—His Excellency Federico Henríquez y Carvajal, His Excellency Luis Felipe Carbo, His Excellency Quintín Gutiérrez.
  • For Ecuador.—His Excellency Luis Felipe Carbo.
  • For El Salvador.—His Excellency Francisco A. Reyes, His Excellency Baltasar Estupinian.
  • For the United States of America.—His Excellency Henry G. Davis, His Excellency William I. Buchanan, His Excellency Charles M. Pepper, His Excellency Volney W. Foster, His Excellency John Barrett.
  • For Guatemala.—His Excellency Antonio Lazo Arriaga, His Excellency Colonel Francisco Orla.
  • For Haiti.—His Excellency J. N. Léger.
  • For Honduras.—His Excellency José Leonard, His Excellency Fausto Dávila.
  • For Mexico.—His Excellency Genaro Raigosa, His Excellency Joaquin D. Casasus, His Excellency José López-Portillo y Rojas, His Excellency Emilio Pardo, Jr., His Excellency Pablo Macedo, His Excellency Alfredo Chavero, His Excellency Francisco L. de la Barra, His Excellency Manuel Sánchez Marmol, His Excellency Rosendo Pineda.
  • For Nicaragua.—His Excellency Luis F. Corea, His Excellency Fausto Dávila.
  • For Paraguay.—His Excellency Cecilio Baez.
  • For Peru.—His Excellency Isaac Alzamora, His Excellency Alberto Elmore, His Excellency Manuel Alvarez Calderon.
  • For Uruguay.—His Excellency Juan Cuestas;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers and found them to be in due and proper form, excepting those presented by the representatives of Their Excellencies the Presidents of the United States of America, Nicaragua and Paraguay, who act "ad referendum," have agreed to celebrate a Convention on literary and artistic copyrights, in the following terms: