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  • Protocols signed at Washington May 7, 1903
  • Entered into force May 7, 1903
  • Terminated February 22, 1904, upon rendition of award by the Permanent Court of Arbitration[1]

Treaty Series 420-A

Venezuela and the United Kingdom

Whereas Protocols have been signed between Venezuela on the one hand, and Great Britain, Germany, Italy, United States of America,[2] France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, and Mexico, on the other hand, containing certain conditions agreed upon for the settlement of claims against the Venezuelan Government;

And whereas certain further questions arising out of the action taken by the Governments of Great Britain, Germany and Italy, in connection with the settlement of their claims, have not proved to be susceptible of settlement by ordinary diplomatic methods;

And whereas the Powers interested are resolved to determine these questions by reference to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, signed at The Hague on the 29th July, 1899;[3]

The Governments of Venezuela and Great Britain have, with a view to carry out that Resolution, authorized their Representatives, that is to say:—

For Venezuela, Mr. Herbert W. Bowen, duly authorized thereto by the Government of Venezuela, and for Great Britain His Excellency Sir Michael

  1. The award, signed on Feb. 22, 1904, provided:

    "1. Germany, Great Britain and Italy have a right to preferential treatment for the payment of their claims against Venezuela;

    "2. Venezuela having consented to put aside 30 per cent of the revenues of the Customs of La Guayra and Puerto Cabello for the payment of the claims of all nations against Venezuela, the three above named Powers have a right to preference in the payment of their claims by means of these 30 per cent of the receipts of the two Venezuelan Ports above mentioned;

    "3. Each Party to the litigation shall bear its own costs and an equal share of the costs of the Tribunal."

    For complete text of award and additional details, see 1904 For. Rel. 505-519.

  2. Protocol between the United States and Venezuela signed Feb. 17, 1903; for text, see 1903 For. Rel. 804 or TS 420, post.
  3. TS 392, ante, p. 230.