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over all land formed in front of their property by reclamation from the river in the course of the execution of the works of the improvement of the channel, at a price to be fixed by a commission formed in the same manner as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, or as the case may be by the Customs Authorities.

Article IX

The Chinese Government bears the whole cost of the river works and without levying for this purpose dues on riparian property, shipping or goods.

Article X

China now sets aside and assigns the entire opium duty of Szechuan and of Hsuchou Fu in Kiangsu as security for the whole cost of the river works; and in accordance with the estimated cost as stated in the Protocol of 1901, will annually supply 460,000 Haikwan taels for this purpose for a term of twenty years. If during any given year after the commencement of the work it is necessary to incur an extraordinary expenditure for the purchase of materials, machinery, etc., China may raise to meet it a loan for the required amount and issue bonds on the security of the above mentioned opium revenues. The total sum annually provided for sinking fund and for interest on such loan, as well as for expenses of all kinds on account of works and maintaining works already completed shall not be less than 460,000 Haikwan taels, to be paid in equal monthly instalments by the Provincial authorities concerned to the Shanghai Customs Taot'ai and the Commissioner of Customs. Should the revenues assigned fall short, the Chinese Government will provide the amount specified from other sources.

Article XI

If the works are not carried out with diligency, care and economy, by a majority vote the Consular Body may unite to point out the fact to the Shanghai Customs Taot'ai and the Commissioner of Customs, and call upon them to direct the engineer to take steps to remedy the matters complained of, and if the work is still not properly done, they may recommend the Engineer's dismissal and the selection and appointment of another engineer, in the manner described in Article II. In case no notice is taken by the Shanghai Customs Taot'ai and Commissioner of Customs of their representations, the Consular Body may report to the Representatives of the Powers interested.

Article XII

After the present stipulations have been discussed, agreed upon and signed, section (b) of Article XI and Annex 17 of the Protocol of 1901 will be suspended. But if China does not, in accordance with this new agreement, annually furnish the necessary funds, so that the requirements of the