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Second, That all the measures of disinfection have been applied; in the case of plague, that the precautions against rats have been observed, and in the case of yellow fever that the measures against mosquitoes have been executed.

Chapter II

Measures of defense by other countries against territories declared to be infected


Article X. The government of each country is obliged to immediately publish the measures which it believes necessary to take against departures either from a country or from an infected territorial area.

The said government is to communicate at once this publication to the diplomatic or consular agent of the infected country residing in its capital as well as to the International Sanitary Bureau.

The government shall be equally obliged to make known through the same channels the revocation of these measures or modifications which may be made in them.

In default of a diplomatic or consular agency in the capital, communications are made directly to the government of the country interested.


Article XI. There exists no merchandise which is of itself capable of transmitting plague, cholera or yellow fever. It only becomes dangerous in case it is soiled by pestous or choleraic products, or, in the case of yellow fever, when such merchandise may harbor mosquitoes.

Article XII. No merchandise or objects shall be subjected to disinfection on account of yellow fever, but in cases covered by the previous article the vehicle of transportation may be subjected to fumigation to destroy mosquitoes. In the case of cholera and plague disinfection should only be applied to merchandise and objects which the local sanitary authority considers as infected.

Nevertheless, merchandise, or objects enumerated hereafter, may be subjected to disinfection, or prohibited entry, independently of all proof that they may or may not be infected:

1. Body linen, wearing apparel in use, clothing which has been worn, bedding already used.

When these objects are transported as baggage, or in the course of a change of residence (household furniture), they should prohibited, and are to be subjected to the regulations prescribed by Article XIX.