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by article 18 shall determine the conditions under which their importation may be effected.

Art. 15. The arms, parts of guns, and ammunition intended for the troops of His Shereefian Majesty will be admitted after the fulfillment of the following formalities:

A declaration signed by the Moorish Minister of War, describing the number and nature of such articles ordered abroad, must be presented to the legation of the country of their origin, whose visa shall be affixed thereto.

The passage through the customs of the cases and packages containing the arms and munitions, delivered at the order of the Moorish Government, shall be effected upon the presentation:

1o. Of the aforesaid declaration,
2o. Of the invoice indicating the number and weight of the packages and the number and kind of the arms and munitions contained therein. This document must be visaed by the legation of the country of their origin, which will mark on the back the successive amounts previously passed through the customs. This visa will be refused when the order shall have been entirely delivered.

Art. 16. The importation of sporting and high-priced arms, parts of guns, cartridges loaded and unloaded, is likewise forbidden. It may none the less be authorized:

1o. For the strictly personal requirements of the importer,
2o. For supplying the gunshops authorized by article 18.

Art. 17. Sporting and high-priced arms and the ammunition for the same will be admitted for the strictly personal requirements of the importer on presentation of a permit issued by the representative of the Maghzen at Tangier. If the importer is a foreigner, this permit will only be granted at the request of his legation.

With respect to ammunition for sporting purposes, each permit shall allow a maximum of a thousand cartridges or the supplies necessary for the manufacture of a thousand cartridges. The permit shall only be issued to those who have never been sentenced for any offense.

Art. 18. The trade in sporting and high-priced arms, not rifled, of foreign manufacture, as well as of the ammunition appertaining to the same, shall be regulated, as soon as circumstances permit, by a Shereefian decision made in conformity with the advice of a majority of the Diplomatic Body at Tangier. This shall be the case, as well, with decisions intended to suspend or restrict the exercise of such trade.

Only such persons as have secured a special and temporary license from the Moorish Government shall be allowed to open and operate retail shops for the sale of sporting guns and ammunition. This license shall only be given at the written request of the applicant, indorsed by his legation.