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Article 22

International Bureau

1. Under the name of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union a central Office is maintained which is conducted under the supervision of the Swiss Postal Administration, and of which the expenses are borne by all the Administrations of the Union.

2. This Bureau is charged with the duty of collecting, collating, publishing, and distributing information of every kind which concerns the international postal service; of giving, at the request of the parties concerned, an opinion upon questions in dispute; of making known proposals for modifying the acts of the Congress; of notifying alterations adopted; and, in general, of taking up such studies and labours as may be confided to it in the interest of the Postal Union.

Article 23

Disputes to be settled by arbitration

1. In case of disagreement between two or more members of the Union as to the interpretation of the present Convention, or as to the responsibility resting on an Administration by the application of the said Convention, the question in dispute is decided by arbitration. To that end each of the Administrations concerned chooses another member of the Union not directly interested in the matter.

2. The decision of the arbitrators is given by an absolute majority of votes.

3. In case of an equality of votes the arbitrators choose, with the view of settling the difference, another Administration equally uninterested in the question in dispute.

4. The stipulations of the present Article apply equally to all the Agreements concluded by virtue of the foregoing Article 19.

Article 24

Adhesions to the Convention

1. Countries which have not taken part in the present Convention are admitted to adhere to it upon their demand.

2. This adhesion is notified through the diplomatic channel to the Government of the Swiss Confederation, and by that Government to all the countries of the Union.

3. It implies, as aright, accession to all the clauses and admission to all the advantages stipulated by the present Convention.

4. It devolves upon the Government of the Swiss Confederation to determine, by common consent with the Government of the country concerned, the share to be contributed by the Administration of this latter country