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be greater than the number and power ascertained on the 31st of October, 1906.

Article III

The provisions of this Convention are established for a term of ten years.

At the expiration of that period, the import duty fixed by Article I shall be subject to revision on the basis of the results produced by the preceding rates.

Each one of the Contracting Powers will, however, be at liberty to move the revision of the duty at the expiration of the eighth year.

The Power availing itself of this liberty should give notice of its intention, six months before the said expiration, to the other Powers through the Belgian Government which would then undertake to call the Conference within the above stated term of six months.

Article IV

It is agreed that the Powers that have signed the General Act of Brussels or adhered thereto and are not represented at this Conference, retain the right of adhering to this Convention.

Article V

This Convention shall be ratified and the ratification shall be deposited at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Brussels with as little delay as possible and in no case shall the term exceed one year.

A certified copy of the procès-verbal of deposit shall be addressed by the Belgian Government to all the Powers concerned.

Article VI

This Convention shall go into effect in all the possessions of the Contracting Powers within the zone defined by Article XC of the General Act of Brussels on the thirtieth day after that on which the procès-verbal of deposit contemplated in the foregoing article shall have been closed.

From that date, the Convention relative to regulations affecting spirits in Africa, signed at Brussels on the 8th of June, 1899, shall cease and determine.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention and affixed their seals thereto.

Done in a single copy at Brussels the third day of the month of November one thousand nine hundred and six.

  • [For Germany:]
    • Graf von Wallwitz[seal]
    • Göhring[seal]
  • [For Belgium:]
    • Capelle[seal]
    • Kebers[seal]
  • [For Spain:]
    • Arturo de Baguer[seal]
  • [For the Independent State of the Congo:]
    • H. Droogmans[seal]
    • A. Mechelynck[seal]