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The adherence to the Convention by the Government of a country having colonies, possessions or protectorates shall not carry with it the adherence of its colonies, possessions or protectorates, unless a declaration to that effect is made by such Government. Such colonies, possessions and protectorates as a whole, or each of them separately, may form the subject of a separate adherence or a separate denunciation within the provisions of Articles 16 and 22 of the Convention.

It is understood that the stations on board of vessels whose headquarters is a port in a colony, possession or protectorate may be deemed as subject to the authority of such colony, possession or protectorate.


Note is taken of the following declaration:

The Italian delegation in signing the Convention does so with the reservation that the Convention can not be ratified on the part of Italy until the date of the expiration of her contracts with Mr. Marconi and his Company, or at an earlier date if the Government of the King of Italy shall succeed in fixing such date by negotiations with Mr. Marconi and his Company.


In case one or several of the High Contracting Parties shall not ratify the Convention, it shall nevertheless be valid as to the parties which shall have ratified it.

In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries have drawn up the present Final Protocol, which shall be of the same force and effect as though the provisions thereof had been embodied in the text of the Convention itself to which it has reference, and they have signed one copy of the same, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Imperial Government of Germany, and a copy of which shall be transmitted to each of the Parties.

Done at Berlin, November 3, 1906.

  • For Germany:
    • Kraetke
    • Sydow
  • For the United States of America:
    • Charlemagne Tower
    • H. N. Manney
    • James Allen
    • John I. Waterbury
  • For Argentina:
    • J. Olmi
  • For Austria:
    • Barth
    • Fries
  • For Hungary:
    • Pierre de Szalay
    • Dr. de Hennyey
    • Hollós
  • For Belgium:
    • F. Delarge
    • E. Buels
  • For Brazil:
    • Cesar de Campos
  • For Bulgaria:
    • Iv. Stoyanovitch
  • For Chile:
    • J. Muñoz Hurtado
    • J. Mery