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Procès-Verbal of Signature

The Undersigned, duly authorized, have met together on the 29th November, 1906, at the Belgian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in order to proceed to the signature of the Act intended to give diplomatic sanction to the Resolutions adopted by the Conference which assembled at Brussels in the month of September 1902, with a view to the unification of the Pharmacopœial formulas for potent drugs.

At the moment of affixing their signatures to the said Act, the Representatives of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the United States of America, Great Britain, Portugal, and Sweden have formulated, in the name of their respective Governments, the following reservations:

I. Reservations formulated by the german government.—"The Imperial Government does not impose upon itself, by the fact of signing the present Agreement, any other obligation beyond that of exercising its influence, when the proper time arrives, that is to say, at the date of the next revision of the German Pharmacopœia, in order to bring the latter into conformity with the present Agreement.

"At the same time the Imperial Government reserves to itself the right of introducing into the stipulations of this Agreement any modifications which, on the one hand, appear necessary in order to take account of the progress of medical and pharmaceutical science, and which, on the other hand, may be desirable from the point of view of the unification of the German Pharmacopœia."

II. Reservations formulated by the austrian government.—"So far as regards opii pulvis the Austrian Government reserves to itself the right of permitting the sale of the pure drug containing, as a maximum, 12 per cent. of morphine."

III. Reservations formulated by the government of the united states of america.—"The Government of the United States does not assume, by the fact of signing the present Agreement, any other obligation beyond that of exercising its influence in order that, at the next revision of the American Pharmacopœia, the latter may be brought into harmony with the said Agreement."

IV. Reservations formulated by the government of his britannic majesty.—"The Government of His Britannic Majesty declares that it reserves the right of introducing into the stipulations of the present Agreement such modifications in detail as the progress of medical and pharmaceutical science may render necessary from time to time.

"The Government of His Britannic Majesty further declares that it reserves the right of adhering to the Agreement, and of denouncing it, with reference to each of the British Colonies or Possessions, separately."