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in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and of which an authenticated copy shall be transmitted to each one of the signatory Powers.

Done at The Hague, June 14, 1907.

  • For Germany:
    • K. von Schlözer
  • For Austria-Hungary:
    • G. de Mérey
  • For Belgium:
    • Guillaume
  • For Bulgaria:
    • Général-Major Vinaroff
  • For China:
    • Lou Tseng-tsiang
  • For Denmark:
    • C. Brun
    • C. F. Scheller
    • A. Vedel
  • For Spain:
    • Jose de la Rica y Calvo
  • For the United States of America:
    • Joseph H. Choate
    • Horace Porter
    • U. M. Rose
    • David Jayne Hill
    • Wm. I. Buchanan
    • C. S. Sperry
    • Geo. B. Davis
  • For the United States of Mexico:
    • Gonzalo A. Esteva
    • S. B. de Mier
    • F. L. de la Barra
  • For France:
    • Léon Bourgeois
  • For Great Britain:
    • Henry Howard
  • For Greece:
    • Cléon Rizo Rangabé
    • Georges Streit
  • For Italy:
    • G. Tornielli
    • G. Pompilj
  • For Japan:
    • Keiroku Tsudzuki
    • Aimaro Sato
  • For Luxemburg:
    • Eyschen
    • Cte de Villers
  • For Montenegro:
    • A. Nelidow
    • Martens
    • N. Tcharykow
  • For Norway:
    • F. Hageruf
  • For the Netherlands:
    • W. H. de Beaufort
  • For Persia:
    • Momtazos Saltaneh M. Samad Khan
    • Sadigh ul Mulk M. Ahmed Khan
  • For Portugal:
    • Conde de Selir
  • For Roumania:
    • A. Beldiman
    • Edg. Mavrocordato
  • For Russia:
    • A. Nelidow
    • Martens
    • N. Tcharykow
  • For Servia:
    • S. Grouïtch
    • M. Milovanovitch
    • M. Militchevitch
  • For Siam:
    • Chatidej
    • Corragioni d'Orelli
    • Lg. Bhuvanarth
  • For Sweden:
    • H. L. Hammarskjöld
  • For Switzerland:
    • Carlin
  • For Turkey:
    • H. Missak