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  • 27. For Nicaragua:
  • 28. For Norway:
    • F. Hagerup
  • 29. For Panama:
    • B. Porras
  • 30. For Paraguay:
    • G. du Monceau
  • 31. For the Netherlands:
    • W. H. de Beaufort
    • T. M. C. Asser
    • den Beer Poortugael
    • J. A. Röell
    • J. A. Loeff
  • 32. For Peru:
    • C. G. Candamo
  • 33. For Persia:
    • Momtazos-Saltaneh M. Samad Khan
    • Sadigh ul Mulk M. Ahmed Khan
  • 34. For Portugal:
    • Marquis de Soveral
    • Conde de Selir
    • Alberto d'Oliveira
  • 35. For Roumania:
    • Edg. Mavrocordato
  • 36. For Russia: Under the reservations formulated as to Article 44 of the regulations annexed to the present Convention and contained in the procès-verbal of the fourth plenary session of August 17, 1907.[1]
    • Nelidow
    • Martens
    • N. Tcharykow
  • 37. For Salvador:
    • P. J. Matheu
    • S. Perez Triana
  • 38. For Servia:
    • S. Grouïtch
    • M. G. Milovanovitch
    • M. G. Militchevitch
  • 39. For Siam:
    • Mom Chatidej Udom
    • C. Corragioni d'Orelli
    • Luang Bhüvanarth Narübal
  • 40. For Sweden:
    • K. H. L. Hammarskjöld
    • Joh. Hellner
  • 41. For Switzerland:
    • Carlin
  • 42. For Turkey: Under reservation of Article 3.
    • Turkhan
  • 43. For Uruguay:
    • José Batlle y Ordoñez
  • 44. For Venezuela:
    • J. Gil Fortoul


Regulations Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land


Chapter I. The Qualifications of Belligerents

Article 1

The laws, rights, and duties of war apply not only to armies, but also to militia and volunteer corps fulfilling the following conditions:

  • 1. To be commanded by aperson responsible for his subordinates;
  • 2. To have afixed distinctive emblem recognizable at adistance;
  • 3. To carry arms openly; and
  • 4. To conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

  1. The Russian reservations read, in translation, as follows: "The delegation of Russia has the honor to declare that having accepted the new Article 22a, proposed by the delegation of Germany, in place of Article 44 of the existing Regulations of 1899, it makes reservations on the subject of the new wording of the said Article 44a."