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  • For Canada:
    • F. O. Adams
    • Wm. Jas. Page
    • A. Maclean
  • For Greece:
    • N. P. Delyanni
    • A. Mansolas
  • For Italy:
    • G. B. Tantesio
  • For Japan:
    • Naonobou Sameshima
    • Saml. M. Bryan
  • For Luxemburg:
    • V. de Roebe
  • For Mexico:
    • G. Barreda
  • For Montenegro:
    • Dewéz
  • For Norway:
    • Chr. Hefty
  • For the Netherlands and the Netherlands colonies:
    • Hofstede
    • Bn Sweerts de Landas Wyborgh
  • For Peru:
    • Juan M. de Goyeneche
  • For Persia:
  • For Portugal and the Portuguese colonies:
    • Guilhermino Augusto de Barros
  • For Roumania:
    • C. F. Robesco
  • For Russia:
    • Baron Velho
    • Georges Poggenpohl
  • For Salvador:
    • J. M. Torrés-Caïcedo
  • For Servia:
    • Mladen F. Radoycovitch
  • For Sweden:
    • Wm. Roos
  • For Switzerland:
    • Dr. Kern
    • Ed. Höhn
  • For Turkey:
    • B. Couyoumgian

Final Protocol

The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the countries which have this day signed the Convention of Paris, have agreed as follows:

  • I. Persia, which forms part of the Union, being unrepresented, will nevertheless be allowed to sign the Convention hereafter, provided that country confirms its adhesion by a diplomatic act with the Swiss Government before the 1st of April, 1879.
  • II. The countries foreign to the Union, which have deferred their adhesion or which have not yet announced their intentions, shall enter the Union on fulfilling the conditions specified in Article 18 of the Convention.
  • III. In case one or other of the contracting parties should not ratify the Convention, this Convention shall nevertheless be binding on the parties to it.
  • IV. The various British colonies, other than Canada and British India, which are parties in the Convention, are Ceylon, the Straits Settlements, Labuan, Hong-Kong, Mauritius and dependencies, Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica, and Trinidad.

In faith of which the undermentioned plenipotentiaries have drawn up the present final protocol, which shall have the same force and the same value as if the stipulations which it contains were inserted in the Convention