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Government of Italy and duly certified copies thereof shall be delivered, through the diplomatic channel, to the contracting Parties.

  • For Belgium:
    • E. Beco[seal]
    • O. Velghe[seal]
  • For Brazil:
    • Dr. Egydio de Salles Guerra[seal]
    • Dr. Henrique de Rocha Lima[seal]
  • For Spain:
    • Manuel de Tolosa Latour[seal]
    • Pablo Soler[seal]
  • For the United States:
    • A. M. Laughlin[seal]
    • R. S. Reynolds Hitt[seal]
  • For France:
    • Camille Barrère[seal]
    • J. de Cazotte[seal]
    • Er. Ronssin[seal]
  • For Great Britain:
    • Theodore Thomson[seal]
    • B. Franklin[seal]
  • For Italy:
    • Rocco Santoliquido[seal]
    • Adolfo Cotta[seal]
  • For the Netherlands:
    • H. de Weede[seal]
  • For Portugal:
    • M. de Carvalho e Vasconcellos[seal]
  • For Russia:
    • Baron Korff[seal]
  • For Switzerland:
    • J. B. Pioda[seal]
  • For Egypt:
    • Ibrahim Neguib[seal]
    • Marc Armand Ruffer[seal]



Article 1

There is established in Paris an International Office of Public Hygiene under the States which accept participation in its operation.

Article 2

The Office cannot in any way meddle in the administration of the several States.

It is independent of the authorities of the country in which it is placed.

It corresponds directly with the higher health authorities of the several countries and with the Boards of Health.[1]

Article 3

The Government of the French Republic shall, on the application of the International Committee referred to in Article 6, take such steps as may be requisite to have the Office recognized as an institution of public utility.

Article 4

The main object of the Office is to collect and bring to the knowledge of

  1. It is understood that the phrase "Boards of Health" applies to the Sanitary Councils of Alexandria, Constantinople, Tangier, Teheran and to any other Councils that may be charged with the duty of enforcing International Sanitary Conventions. [Footnote in original.]