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  • Arrangement signed at Paris May 4, 1910
  • Senate advice and consent to ratification January 13, 1911
  • Ratified by the President of the United States February 4, 1911
  • Ratification of the United States deposited at Paris March 15, 1911
  • Proclaimed by the President of the United States April 13, 1911
  • Entered into force September 15, 1911[1]
  • Amended by protocol of May 4, 1949[2]

37 Stat. 1511; Treaty Series 559


Arrangement Relative to the Repression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications

The Governments of the Powers hereinbelow named, equally desirous of facilitating within the scope of their respective legislation, the mutual interchange of information with a view to tracing and repressing offences connected with obscene publications, have resolved to conclude an arrangement to that end and have, in consequence, designated their plenipotentiaries who met in conference at Paris from April 18 to May 4, 1910, and agreed on the following provisions:

Article 1

Each one of the Contracting Powers undertakes to establish or designate an authority charged with the duty of

  • (1) Centralizing all information which may facilitate the tracing and repressing of acts constituting infringements of their municipal law as to obscene writings, drawings, pictures or articles, and the constitutive elements of which bear an international character.
  • (2) Supplying all information tending to check the importation of publications or articles referred to in the foregoing paragraph and also to insure or expedite their seizure all within the scope of municipal legislation.
  • (3) Communicating the laws that have already been or may subsequently be enacted in their respective States in regard to the object of the present Arrangement.

  1. Six months after Mar. 15, 1911, date of first deposit of instruments of ratification (see arts. 5 and 6).
  2. 1 UST 849; TIAS 2164.