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questions involved in the claims referred to in Article 1st. of the present treaty.

4th. The present Treaty shall come into force immediately after the thirty-first of December 1912, when the treaty on pecuniary claims, signed at Mexico, on January 31 [30], 1902,[1] and extended by the treaty signed at Rio de Janeiro on August 13, 1906,[2] expires.

It shall remain in force indefinitely, as well for the nations which shall then have ratified it as those which shall ratify it subsequently.

The ratifications shall be transmitted to the Government of the Argentine Republic, which shall communicate them to the other Contracting Parties.

5th. Any of the nations ratifying the present Treaty may denounce it, on its own part, by giving two years notice in writing, in advance, of its intention so to do.

This notice shall be transmitted to the Government of the Argentine Republic and through its intermediation, to the other contracting Parties.

6th. The treaty of Mexico shall continue in force after December 31, 1912, as to any claims which may, prior to that date, have been submitted to arbitration under its provisions.

In witness whereof, the Plenipotentiaries and Delegates sign this Convention and affix to it the Seal of the Fourth International American Conference.

Made and signed in the city of Buenos Aires, on the eleventh day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and ten, in the Spanish, English, Portuguese and French languages, and filed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, in order that certified copies may be taken to be forwarded through the appropriate Diplomatic channels to each one of the Signatory Nations.

  • For the United States of America:
    • Henry White
    • Enoch H. Crowder
    • Lewis Nixon
    • John Bassett Moore
    • Bernard Moses
    • Lamar C. Quintero
    • Paul S. Reinsch
    • David Kinley
  • For the Argentine Republic:
    • Antonio Bermejo
    • Eduardo L. Bidau
    • Manuel A. Montes de Oca
    • Epifanio Portela
    • Carlos Salas
    • José A. Terry
    • Estanislao S. Zeballos
  • For the United States of Brazil:
    • Joaquim Murtinho
    • Domicio da Gama
    • José L. Almeida Nogueira
    • Olavo Bilac
    • Gastão da Cunha
    • Herculano de Freitas
  • For the Republic of Chili:
    • Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal
    • Emilio Bello Codecido
    • Aníbal Cruz Díaz
    • Beltrán Mathieu
  • For the Republic of Colombia:
    • Roberto Ancízar
  • For the Republic of Costa Rica:
    • Alfredo Volio

  1. TS 443, ante, p. 347.
  2. TS 574, ante, p. 541.