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  • Republic of Colombia: Roberto Ancízar.
  • Republic of Costa Rica: Alfredo Volio.
  • Republic of Cuba: Carlos García Vélez, Rafael Montoro y Valdés, Gonzalo de Quesada y Aróstegui, Antonio Gonzalo Pérez, José M. Carbonell.
  • Dominican Republic: Américo Lugo.
  • Republic of Ecuador: Alejandro Cárdenas.
  • Republic of Guatemala: Luis Toledo Herrarte, Manuel Arroyo, Mario Estrada.
  • Republic of Haiti: Constantin Fouchard.
  • Republic of Honduras: Luis Lazo Arriaga.
  • Mexican United States: Victoriano Salado Alvarez, Luis Pérez Verdía, Antonio Ramos Pedrueza, Roberto A. Esteva Ruiz.
  • Republic of Nicaragua: Manuel Pérez Alonso.
  • Republic of Panama: Belisario Porras.
  • Republic of Paraguay: Teodosio González, José P. Montero.
  • Republic of Peru: Eugenio Larrabure y Unánue, Carlos Alvarez Calderón, José Antonio de Lavalle y Pardo.
  • Republic of Salvador: Federico Mejía, Francisco Martínez Suárez.
  • Republic of Uruguay: Gonzalo Ramírez, Carlos M. de Pena, Antonio M. Rodríguez, Juan José Amézaga.
  • United States of Venezuela: Manuel Díaz Rodríguez, César Zumeta.

Who, after having presented their credentials, and the same having been found in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention on Inventions, Patents, Designs and Industrial Models.

Article I

The subscribing Nations enter into this convention for the protection of patents of invention, designs and industrial models.

Article II

Any persons who shall obtain a patent of invention in any of the signatory States, shall enjoy in each of the other States all the advantages which the laws relative to patents of invention, designs and industrial models concede. Consequently, they shall have the right to the same protection and identical legal remedies against any attack upon their rights, provided they comply with the laws of each State.

Article III

Any person who shall have regularly deposited an application for a patent of invention or design or industrial model in one of the contracting States shall enjoy, for the purposes of making the deposit in the other States, and under the reserve of the rights of third parties, a right of priority during a period of twelve months for patents of invention, and of four months for designs or industrial models.