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  • Agreement dated at Apia, Samoa, March 24, 1880
  • Effective March 24, 1880
  • Superseded April 12, 1890, by the General Act of June 14, 1889,[1] with respect to those provisions with which the General Act was inconsistent; annulled in entirety February 16, 1900, by convention of December 2, 1899[2]

Department of State files; enclosure to despatch no. 145 of April 9, 1880, from the U.S. consulate at Apia, Samoa

Whereas the King and Government of Samoa did on the 31st day of August 1879 address a letter to the three Governments of the United States of America, Germany and Great Britain requesting them to take some concerted action for the preservation of peace and good order in Samoa and for the protection of the King and government thereof; and,

Whereas on the 15th day of December 1879 the civil war in Samoa was terminated in a treaty of peace between the representatives of the opposing forces;[3] and,

Whereas on the 23rd day of December 1879 on board H.I.G.M. Ship "Bismarck" a permanent agreement was entered into by the representatives of both parties electing and recognizing Malietoa Talavou King for life;[3] and

Whereas on the 12th day of January 1880 the Imperial German Government sent instructions to the Imperial German Consul General in Samoa that the Governments of England and America had accepted the proposals of the German Government and ordering him to recognize, and enter into an agreement with his colleagues for the protection of Malietoa and his Government by the three Powers already named in this preamble; and,

Whereas on the 14th day of January 1880 the English Government ordered H.B.M. Ship "Danae" to Samoa with instructions to Captain Purvis

  1. TS 313, post, p. 116.
  2. TS 314, post, p. 276.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Copies of the agreements of Dec. 15, 1879, and Dec. 23, 1879, were enclosed with despatch no. 148 of Apr. 15, 1880, from the U.S. consulate at Apia, Samoa (Department of State files).