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The provisions of the said Conventions shall be applicable to the colonies and possessions of the contracting Powers, subject to the following reservations:

  • 1. The German Government reserves its decisions on the subject of its colonies. It reserves, for each one of these separately, the right of acceding to the Conventions and of denouncing them.
  • 2. The Danish Government reserves the right of acceding to the said Conventions and of denouncing them for Iceland and the Danish colonies or possessions separately.
  • 3. The Government of the United States of America reserves the right of acceding to the said Conventions and of denouncing them for the island possessions of the United States of America.
  • 4. His Britannic Majesty's Government reserves the right of acceding to the said Conventions and of denouncing them for each of the British colonies, protectorates, and territories separately, as well as for the Island of Cyprus.
  • 5. The Italian Government reserves the right of acceding eventually to the Conventions for the Italian dependencies and colonies.
  • 6. The Netherland Government reserves the right of acceding eventually to the Conventions for the Netherland colonies and possessions.
  • 7. The Portuguese Government reserves the right of acceding eventually to the Conventions for the Portuguese colonies.

These accessions may be notified either by a general declaration comprehending all the colonies and possessions, or by special declarations. For accessions and denunciations, the procedure indicated in the two present Conventions shall be observed in due course. It is understood, however, that the said accessions may also be declared in the procès-verbal of ratification.

In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have drawn up the present Protocol, which shall have the same force and validity as if its provisions were inserted in the text of the Conventions to which it relates.

Done at Brussels, in a single copy, on September 23, 1910.

  • For Germany:
    • Kracker von Schwartzenfeldt
    • Dr. G. Struckmann
  • For the Argentine Republic:
    • Alberto Blancas
  • For Austria and Hungary:
    • S. Clary et Aldringen
  • For Austria:
    • Stephen Worms
  • For Hungary:
    • Dr. François de Nagy
  • For Belgium:
    • A. Beernaert
    • Chapelle
    • Ch. Lejeune
    • Louis Franck
    • Paul Segers
  • For the United States of Brazil:
    • Rodrigo Octavio de Langgaard Menezes
  • For Chile:
    • F. Puga-Borne