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1883;[1] the Final Protocol annexed to that Act;[1] the Protocol of Madrid, April 15, 1891[2] relating to the dotation of the international Bureau, and the additional Act of Brussels, December 14, 1900.[3] However, the Acts cited shall remain binding on the countries which shall not have ratified the present Act.

Article 19

The present Act shall be signed in a single copy, which shall be filed in the archives of the Government of the United States. A certified copy shall be sent by the latter to each of the unionist Governments.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Act.

Done at Washington, in a single copy, the second day of June 1911.

  • For Germany:
    • Haniel von Haimhausen
    • H. Robolski
    • Albert Osterrieth
  • For Austria and for Hungary:
    • L. Baron de Hengemuller,
      • Ambassador of Austria-Hungary
  • For Austria:
    • Dr. Paul Chevalier Beck de Mennagetta et Lerchenau, Departmental Chief and President of the Imperial and Royal Patent Office
  • For Hungary:
    • Elemér de Pompéry,
      • Ministerial Counselor at the Royal Hungarian Patent Office
  • For Belgium:
    • J. Brunet
    • Georges de Ro
    • Capitaine
  • For Brazil:
    • R. de Lima e Silva
  • For Cuba:
    • Antonio Martin Rivero
  • For Denmark:
    • J. Clan
  • For the Dominican Republic:
    • Emilio C. Joubert
  • For Spain:
    • Juan Riaño y Gayangos
    • J. Florez Posada
  • For the United States of America:
    • Edward Bruce Moore
    • Melville Church
    • Charles H. Duell
    • Robt H. Parkinson
    • Frederick P. Fish
  • For France:
    • Pierre Lefèvre-Pontalis
    • G. Breton
    • Michel Pelletier
    • Georges Maillard
  • For Great Britain:
    • A. Mitchell Innes
    • A. E. Bateman
    • W. Temple Franks
  • For Italy:
    • Lazzaro Negrotto Cambiaso
    • Emilio Venezian
    • G. B. Ceccato
  • For Japan:
    • K. Matsui
    • Morio Nakamatsu
  • For the United States of Mexico:
    • J. de las Fuentes
  • For Norway:
    • Ludwig Aubert
  • For the Netherlands:
    • Snyder van Wissenkerke
  • For Portugal:
    • J. F. H. M. da Franca, Vte d'Alte
  • For Servia:
  • For Sweden:
    • Albert Ehrensvärd

  1. 1.0 1.1 TS 379, ante, p. 80.
  2. TS 385, ante, p. 183.
  3. TS 411, ante, p. 296.