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of each season ten per cent (10%) gross in number and value thereof to an authorized agent of the United States Government, ten per cent (10%) gross in number and value thereof to an authorized agent of the Canadian Government, and ten per cent (10%) gross in number and value thereof to an authorized agent of the Russian Government; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall restrict the right of Japan at any time and from time to time during the first five years of the term of this Convention to suspend altogether the taking of sealskins on such islands or shores subject to its jurisdiction, and to impose during the term of this Convention such restrictions and regulations upon the total number of skins to be taken in any season, and the manner and times and places of taking them as may seem necessary to preserve and protect the Japanese herd, or to increase its number; but it is agreed, nevertheless, on the part of Japan that during the last ten years of the term of this Convention not less than five per cent (5%) of the total number of seals on the Japanese rookeries and hauling grounds will be killed annually, provided that said five per cent (5%) does not exceed eighty-five per cent (85%) of the three-year-old male seals hauling in such year.

If, however, the total number of seals frequenting the Japanese islands in any year falls below six thousand five hundred (6,500) enumerated by official count, then the allowance of skins mentioned above and all killing of seals except such as may be necessary for the support of the natives on the islands may be suspended until the number of such seals again exceeds six thousand five hundred (6,500) enumerated in like manner.

Article XIV

It is agreed on the part of Great Britain that in case any seal herd hereafter resorts to any islands or shores of the waters defined in Article I subject to the jurisdiction of Great Britain, there shall be delivered at the end of each season during the term of this Convention ten per cent (10%) gross in number and value of the total number of sealskins annually taken from such herd to an authorized agent of the United States Government, ten per cent (10%) gross in number and value of the total number of sealskins annually taken from such herd to an authorized agent of the Japanese Government, and ten per cent (10%) gross in number and value of the total number of sealskins annually taken from such herd to an authorized agent of the Russian Government.

Article XV

It is further agreed between the United States and Great Britain that the provisions of this Convention shall supersede, in so far as they are inconsistent therewith or in duplication thereof, the provisions of the treaty relating