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  • Convention signed at Paris January 17, 1912, with appendixes
  • Senate advice and consent to ratification of convention, with an understanding, February 19, 1913[1]
  • Ratified by the President of the United States, with an understanding, March 22, 1913[1]
  • Procès-verbal of first deposit of ratifications (including that of the United States) at Paris dated October 7, 1920[2]
  • Entered into force October 7, 1920
  • Proclaimed by the President of the United States December 11, 1920
  • Superseded by convention of June 21, 1926,[3] as modified, as between contracting parties to the later convention; replaced by International Sanitary Regulations (World Health Organization Regulations No. 2) of May 25, 1951,[4] as amended, as between states bound by the regulations

42 Stat. 1823; Treaty Series 649



His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, in the name of the German Empire; the President of the United States of America; the President of the Argentine Republic; His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., etc., and Apostolical King of Hungary; His Majesty the King of the Belgians; the President of the Republic of Bolivia; the President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil; His Majesty the King of the Bulgarians; the President of the Republic of Chile; the President of the Republic of Colombia; the President of the Republic of Costa Rica; the

  1. 1.0 1.1 The U.S. understanding contained in the Senate resolution of advice and consent to ratification, maintained in the President's ratification, and included in the procès-verbal of deposit of ratifications of Oct. 7, 1920, reads as follows: ". . . that nothing contained in article 9 [of the convention] shall be deemed to prevent the United States from carrying out any special quarantine measures against the infection of its ports which might be demanded by unusual sanitary conditions." The procès-verbal also contained the following sentence: "In making this reservation the United States Government does not intend to infringe in any way the fundamental regulations of the Convention" (translation).
  2. For complete text of procès-verbal, see 42 Stat. 1905 or TS 649, p. 101.
  3. TS 762, post, vol. 2.
  4. 7 UST 2255; TIAS 3625.