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during the course of the pilgrimage, the vessel shall be subjected at Tor to the rules adopted at Camaran for uninfected vessels.

The pilgrims shall be landed and take a shower or sea bath, and their soiled linen or the part of their wearing apparel and baggage which may appear suspicious in the opinion of the health authority shall be disinfected. The duration of these operations, including the debarkation and embarkation, shall not exceed seventy-two hours.

However, a pilgrim ship belonging to one of the nations which have adhered to the stipulations of the present and the previous conventions, if it has had no plague or cholera patients during the course of the voyage from Djeddah to Yambo or Tor and if the individual medical examination made at Tor after debarkation establishes the fact that it contains no such patients, may be authorized by the Board of Health of Egypt to pass through the Suez Canal in quarantine even at night when the following four conditions are fulfilled:

  • 1. Medical attendance shall be given on board by one or several physicians commissioned by the governments to which the vessel belongs.
  • 2. The vessel shall be provided with disinfecting chambers and it shall be ascertained that the soiled linen has been disinfected during the course of the voyage.
  • 3. It shall be shown that the number of pilgrims does not exceed that authorized by the pilgrimage regulations.
  • 4. The captain shall bind himself to repair directly to a port of the country to which the vessel belongs.

The medical examination shall be made as soon as possible after debarkation at Tor.

The sanitary tax to be paid to the quarantine administration shall be the same as the pilgrims would have paid had they remained in quarantine three days.

Art. 136. A vessel which has had a suspicious case on board during the voyage from Tor to Suez shall be sent back to Tor.

Art. 137. The transshipment of pilgrims is strictly forbidden in Egyptian ports.

Art. 138. Vessels leaving Hedjaz and having on board pilgrims who are bound for a port on the African shore of the Red Sea shall be authorized to proceed directly to Souakim or to such other place as the Board of Health of Alexandria may determine, where they shall submit to the same quarantine procedure as at Tor.

Art. 139. Vessels sailing from Hedjaz or from a port on the Arabian coast of the Red Sea with a clean bill of health, having no pilgrims or similar groups of people on board, and which have had no suspicious occurrence during the voyage, shall be granted pratique at Suez after a favorable medical inspection.

Art. 140. When plague or cholera shall have been proven to exist in Hedjaz: