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of the sum of 4,000 Egyptian pounds, which may be taken from the surplus revenues from the lighthouse service remaining at the disposal of said Government.

However, the proceeds of a supplementary quarantine tax of ten tariff dollars per pilgrim to be collected at Tor shall be deducted from this sum.

In case the Egyptian Government should find difficulty in bearing this share of the expenses, the Powers represented in the Board of Health shall reach an understanding with the Khedival Government in order to insure the participation of the latter in the expenses contemplated.

Art. 155. The Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt shall undertake the task of bringing the provisions of the present convention into conformity with the regulations at present enforced by it in regard to the plague, cholera, and yellow fever, as well as with the regulations relative to arrivals from the Arabian ports of the Red Sea during the pilgrim season.

To the same end it shall, if necessary, revise the general regulations of the sanitary, maritime, and quarantine police at present in force.

These regulations, in order to become effective, must be accepted by the various Powers represented on the Board.

II. The International Health Board of Tangier

Art. 156. In the interest of public health, the High Contracting Parties agree that their representatives in Morocco shall again invite the attention of the International Health Board of Tangier to the necessity of enforcing the provisions of the sanitary conventions.

III. Miscellaneous Provisions

Art. 157. The proceeds from the sanitary taxes and fines shall in no case be employed for objects other than those within the scope of the Boards of Health.

Art. 158. The High Contracting Parties agree to have a set of instructions prepared by their health departments for the purpose of enabling captains of vessels, especially when there is no physician on board, to enforce the provisions contained in the present convention with regard to plague, cholera, and yellow fever.

Title V. Adhesions and ratifications

Art. 159. The Governments which have not signed the present convention shall be permitted to adhere thereto upon request. Notice of this adhesion shall be given through diplomatic channels to the Government of the French Republic and by the latter to the other signatory governments.

Art. 160. The present convention shall be ratified and the ratifications thereof deposited at Paris as soon as possible.

It shall be enforced as soon as it shall have been proclaimed in conformity with the legislation of the signatory nations. In the respective relations of the