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lands, assembled at The Hague in the Palace of the Knights, December 1, 1911.

The Governments, the enumeration of which follows, have taken part in the Conference, to which they had designated the Delegates hereafter named:


  • His Excellency Mr. Felix von Müller, Privy Counsellor, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague, First Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. Delbrück, Privy Counsellor, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Dr. Grünenwald, Counsellor of Legation, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Dr. Kerp, Privy Counsellor, Director of the German Health Department, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Dr. Rössler, German Consul at Canton, Delegate Plenipotentiary.

The United States of America:

  • Bishop Charles H. Brent, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. Hamilton Wright, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. H. J. Finger, Delegate Plenipotentiary.


  • His Excellency Mr. Liang Cheng, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berlin, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. T'ang Kwo-an, Assistant Secretary at the Wai-wu Pu, Delegate;
  • Mr. Tchang Tsu-Sueng, chargé d'affaires ad interim at The Hague, Delegate;
  • Dr. Wu Lien-Teh, M.D. (Cambridge), Surgeon-Major, Director of the School of Medicine, Delegate;
  • Mr. F. A. Carl, formerly Commissioner of the Imperial Maritime Customs at Newchwang, Delegate;
  • Mr. A. J. Commijs, Assistant Secretary in the Department of the Inspector-General of Imperial Maritime Customs, Delegate.


  • Mr. Henri Brenier, Advisory Inspector of the Agricultural and Commercial Service of Indo-China, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. Pierre Guesde, Administrator of the Civil Service of Indo-China, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Dr. Gaide, Surgeon-Major of the Colonial Troops, Technical Adviser.

Great Britain:

  • The Right Honorable Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., Member of the Privy Council, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Sir William Stevenson Meyer, K.C.I.E., Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras, Delegate Plenipotentiary;