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  • Majesty the Emperor, Counsellor of State, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Stockholm, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. Chapiroff, Honorary Physician at the Court of His Majesty the Emperor, Medical Inspector of the Frontier Guards, Delegate.


  • His Excellency Phya Akharaj Varadhara, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in London, The Hague, and Brussels, Delegate Plenipotentiary;
  • Mr. William J. Archer, C.M.G., Counsellor of Legation, Delegate Plenipotentiary;

In a series of meetings held from the 1st of December, 1911, to the 23rd of January, 1912, the Conference determined upon the text of Convention hereto annexed:

The Conference has further expressed the following wishes:

I. The Conference is of the opinion that there is reason to draw the attention of the Universal Postal Union:

  • 1° to the urgency of regulating the transmission by post of raw Opium;
  • 2° to the necessity of regulating, so far as possible, the transmission by post of Morphine and Cocaine and their respective salts, and of the other substances contemplated by Article 14 of the Convention;
  • 3° to the necessity of prohibiting the transmission of prepared Opium by the post.

II. The Conference is of the opinion that it is advisable to study the question of Indian Hemp from the statistical and scientific standpoint, with a view to regulating its misuse, should the necessity therefor make itself felt, by domestic legislation or by an international agreement.

In testimony whereof, the Plenipotentiaries have affixed their signatures to the present Protocol.

Done at The Hague, the 23rd day of January, 1912, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the Archives of the Government of the Netherlands, and copies of which, certified and conforming thereto, shall be delivered through the diplomatic channel to all the Powers represented at the Conference.

  • For Germany:
    • F. von Müller
    • Delbrück
    • Grunenwald
  • For the United States of America:
    • Charles H. Brent
    • Hamilton Wright
    • Henry J. Finger
  • For China:
    • Liang Cheng
  • For France:
    • H. Brenier
  • For Great Britain:
    • W. S. Meyer
    • W. G. Max Müller
    • William Job Collins