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  • Article (no. 12) supplementing agreement of April 9, 1912,[1] proposed by the Chinese Government, approved by the Diplomatic Body[2] at Peking October 19, 1915
  • Entered into force October 19, 1915
  • Terminated as between the United States and China May 20, 1943, by treaty of January 11, 1943[3]

Department of State files; enclosure to letter of October 23, 1915, from U.S. Minister at Peking

1. Saleable crown or shengko lands on the Whangpoo River subject to this agreement include all foreshore, accreted or reclaimable land—not required for Conservancy or Harbour purposes—situated between the Whangpoo Highwater Lines at Ordinary Spring Tide from the Kiangnan Arsenal to the outer ends of the Conservancy's training works at Woosung. Title deeds to all such saleable crown or shengko lands shall be issued by the Civil Administrator of Shanghai under the following conditions:

2. On application by the owner of a riparian lot to acquire foreshore or accretion thereto, the original title-deed being filed in the usual manner, the Joint Measurement Office shall first satisfy itself of the validity of the claim to the foreshore or area to be shengkoed.

3. The Joint Measurement Office will then arrange with the Conservancy Board (to whom acopy of the official plan of the original lot shall be supplied) and the owner and, in the case of foreign owners, with the Consulate concerned, for a joint measurement to be made, at which the river-front boundary of the original lot shall be defined. The Conservancy Engineer will then proceed to survey the area to be shengkoed and draft a plan of the whole lot, on which shall be clearly shown the area to be shengkoed and its position in relation to the Board's triangulation net and existing boundaries. This will be sent to the Joint Measurement Office to be transmitted to the owner

  1. For text, see ante, p. 879.
  2. The 11 powers whose diplomatic representatives at Peking constituted the Diplomatic Body were: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  3. TS 984, post.