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His Majesty the King of Servia: Mr. Sima M. Marinovitch, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Servia, Knight of the Royal Order of Takovo, etc.;

And the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation: Mr. Charles Edward Lardy, its Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris; Mr. J. Weibel, Engineer at Geneva, President of the Swiss Section of the permanent Commission for the protection of Industrial Property.

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I

The Governments of Belgium, of Brazil, of Spain, of France, of Guatemala, of Italy, of the Netherlands, of Portugal, of Salvador, of Servia and of Switzerland, have constituted themselves into a state of Union for the protection of Industrial Property.

Article II

The subjects or citizens of each of the contracting States shall enjoy, in all the other States of the Union, so far as concerns patents for inventions, trade or commercial marks, and the commercial name, the advantages that the respective laws thereof at present accord, or shall afterwards accord to subjects or citizens. In consequence they shall have the same protection as these latter, and the same legal recourse against all infringements of their rights, under reserve of complying with the formalities and conditions imposed upon subjects or citizens by the domestic legislation of each State.

Article III

Are assimilated to the subjects or citizens of the contracting States, the subjects or citizens of States, not forming part of the Union, who are domiciled or have industrial or commercial establishments upon the territory of one of the States of the Union.

Article IV

Any one who shall have regularly deposited an application for a patent of invention, of an industrial model, or design, of a trade or commercial mark, in one of the contracting States, shall enjoy for the purpose of making the deposit in the other States, and under reserve of the rights of third parties, a right of priority during the periods hereinafter determined.

In consequence, the deposit subsequently made in one of the other States of the Union, before the expiration of these periods cannot be invalidated by acts performed in the interval, especially by another deposit, by the publication of the invention or its working by a third party, by the sale of copies of the design or model, by the employment of the mark.