Page:Locomotive mechanism and engineering (1896, John Wiley & Sons).djvu/20

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PREFACE. The author, who is a practical engineer, attempts in this book to write a practical treatise on the Locomo¬ tive Engine, and has tried to describe the manner in which the locomotive is handled while in service. There are many excellent books on the locomotive, but there is one portion of the subject which, in the author’s opinion, has not yet been covered. The man who wishes to understand an engine thor¬ oughly will learn more by watching repairs made in the shop, or in case of accident on the road, when the engine is disconnected, than if the method were de¬ scribed to him in so many words; for he thus sees the actual construction, break, and repairs. The author has illustrated this book with this pur¬ pose in view, and has made most of the drawings him¬ self. Where others are used due credit is given, and there¬ fore it may be truly said the drawings represent actual practice. The text contains also a full explanation of the drawings, questions are asked and answered on the construction of the locomotive and its performances,