Page:Locomotive mechanism and engineering (1896, John Wiley & Sons).djvu/451

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BOTANY. Gardening for Ladies, Etc. Westermaier’s General Botany. (Schneider.).8vo, $2 00 Thome’s Structural Botany.18mo, 2 25 Baldwin’s Orchids of New England.8vo, 1 50 Loudon’s Gardening for Ladies. (Downing.).12mo, 1 50 BRIDGES, ROOFS, Etc. Cantilever—Highway—Suspension. Boiler’s Highway Bridges.8vo, 2 00

  • " The Thames River Bridge.4to, paper, 5 00

Burr’s Stresses in Bridges..8vo, 3 50 Merriman & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part 1., Stresses.8vo, 2 50 Merriman & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part 11., Graphic Statics.8vo. 2 50 Merriman & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part 111., Bridge Design.8vo, 5 00 Merriman & Jacoby’s Text-book of Roofs and Bridges. Part IV., Continuous, Draw, Cantilever, Suspension, and Arched Bridges. (In preparation). Crehore’s Mechanics of the Girder.8vo, 5 00 Du Bois’s Strains in Framed Structures.4to, 10 00 Greene’s Roof Trusses.8vo, 1 25 “ Bridge Trusses.8vo, 2 50 “ Arches in Wood, etc.8vo, 2 50 Waddell’s Iron Highway Bridges.8vo, 4 00 Wood’s Construction of Bridges and Roofs.8vo, 2 00 Foster’s Wooden Trestle Bridges.4to, 5 00

  • Morison’s The Memphis Bridge.Oblong 4to, 10 00

Johnson’s Modern Framed Structures.4to, 10 00 CHEMISTRY. Qualitative—Quantitative—Organic—Inorganic, Etc. Fresenius’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis. (Johnson.).8vo, 4 00 “ Quantitative Chemical Analysis. (Allen.).8vo, 6 00 M “ “ “ (Bolton.).8vo, 1 50 4