Page:Logic Taught by Love.djvu/158

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Logic Taught by Love

word Elohim. There is to be no God of Light distinct from the God of darkness; no devil who causes evil contrasted with the deity who gives good; no bull-god or serpent-god, no god of thunder, or god of wind; all natural science is one, and is the worship of Elohim.

2. Homage is to be paid to the Race- Preserver, not by prejudices against other virtuous and pious tribes, but by abstaining, in His honour, from unnatural mixtures and infertile unions. While He is to be worshipped by Jews as the " God of Israël," they are to remember that He cares equally for all the tribes of the earth. The preservation of law and order is not to be a mere cunning device for securing the supremacy of one's own tribe, but a perpetual worship of Jehovah, the God of all the races.

3. But especially is danger from divided and partial worships to be avoided in the direction of the search after inspiration. No devices are to be resorted to, to heighten the sensation of inspiration. Jews are to put themselves en rapport with the Inspirer, only so far as a holy life will attain that end. Not passion or intoxication, but solemnity and abstinence, are to characterize their attempts to approach personally to Adonai. Sacrifices are to be made to Him by fire, in his character of Purifier by Fire; but none of these exhibit any other connection with pain or death than is shown by learning to kill animals for food in the least hardening and most merciful manner possible. Jews are to inflict no needless suffering, either on themselves or on other creatures, for their own excitement or amusement. Adonai is neither Moloch, the pain-giver, nor Adonis, the lust-exciter; but the Inspirer who purifies by love.