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Trinity Myths

either Jews or Gentiles. Nor is the need for seeking the cure of social ills in the worship of the great Unity less than it was when Israël came out of Egypt. If we were not idolaters, the educationists who are imposing their cruel laws on all types of children alike, would remember that the Law-maker is also a Race-Preserver, and forbids a too rapid change of ancestral habits; the Salvation Army would believe that salvation means, not hysteric tension on one aspect of deity, but reverence for all aspects of that divine Creator, whose laws include a law of reaction after violent nervous action, and a law of hereditary recoil of posterity from the exaggerations of a preceding generation; sensitive and "mediumistic" women would be trained in the knowledge of the orderly Elohim revealed by Science; our luxurious aesthetes who worship Adonis, the Art-Inspirer, will remember that the true Adonai will sooner or later purify all by the fire of pain; thus force would be stored up for the solution of our practical problems, which now is being wasted in the struggle to gain that which cannot satisfy. The wisdom Who came out of Egypt with Moses still cries to us, though few hear her voice: "Hear, O Israël, and hear, O Man; divided Gods make us slaves; the Deliverer from Bondage is Unity."

And every man, when he is about to prepare for rest by worshipping The Inconceivable Unity, should remember that the true God is not a mere reflection of his own personal predilections, but is equally Holy in each of the three aspects under which He reveals Himself to Humanity.

Another form of the Trinity-doctrine is the time-division, past, present, and future. This time-trinity is