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Logic Taught by Love

be vouchsafed to him to realize something of the true relation between the Aryan and the Jew, he knows henceforth the meaning of Isaiah's golden dreams. Those who are weak and contemptible while severed, become sublime and strong when united. "Il y a au monde une chose sainte et sublime; c'est l'union de deux Logic Taught by Love êtres imparfaits. On est souvent trompé, souvent blessé, et souvent malheureux; mais on aime; et quand on est sur le bord de la tombe, on dit:—J'ai aimé; c'est moi qui ai vécu, et non pas un être factice créé par mon orgueil et mon ennui."

This truth we all know. It lies deep down in all our hearts. We Gentiles know it, but are powerless to carry our knowledge into action; for impatience clouds our perceptions, and we lose Love by premature unifications. The unregulated indulgence of impulses of Altruism destroys nerve-stamina; and, as a consequence, we find mere unreasoning dislikes stronger than our faith in the Eternal Principle of Love. Jews have been taught, and will at length teach us, that the Love which is stronger than death and which survives the grave is not to be snatched at by any emotional passion, whether religious or poetic; it is brought into our lives by in all things awaiting the due time, and by the systematic consecration of natural duty.