Page:Logic Taught by Love.djvu/183

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The Messianic Kingdom

mind to whatever forces it to recognize throughout creation the existence of that incessant rhythmic pulsation which is the appointed purifier of all that is foul, the liberator of all that is enslaved. Only those who doubt the power given to the Ark to keep its own place as the Centre of the world's march, need fear to see its accessories move round it as the earth moves round the Sun.

The method suggested in the Pentateuch for the cultivation of the rhythmic condition of the brain is marvellous in its naive beauty, and whenever it has been followed in its simplicity, according to the spirit of the Founders, it has produced results of which it is not too much to say that they are properly "miraculous," i.e., they are beyond anything which can be explained in words, even by the person who produces them. The essence of the rhythmic method consisted in accustoming the consciousness of man to follow, by alternations of thought and emotion, the rhythm of all the discoverable periodicities of Nature; especially those which affect the human organization.

Many Eastern religions embodied this principle to some extent, by reverently following certain of the Nature-rhythms. The founders of Judaism, true to their worship of Unity, seem to have aimed to embody in the education of the people all that were discoverable. The solar and lunar periods were, of course, to be followed. Then, as the Founders knew (what many good hygienists in various ages and countries have discovered) that the human mind requires, for health, a change of occupation and of attitude once in seven days, they did not merely say, as modern doctors do,