Page:Logic Taught by Love.djvu/191

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Appendix I

For those who wish to understand practically the connection of the method of Gratry and Boole with ancient Philosophies.'


{{small-caps|Let the aspirant occasionally, when he is in any diffi- culty, put himself back in imagination into pre-historic times. Let him try to fancy himself an early Geologist, surrounded by savages who ask him to find water.

The Geologist takes the opportunity of showing them how to find the Water of Life. He says:—

"Let us seek the Great Father in our spirit; then perhaps He will show us how to supply our bodily needs.

"The truth is holy and pure; and may not be taught by any tree that has thorns or the likeness of the horns or tail of any beast; but only by this, the Sacred Hazel (or Olive, etc.). And let us put out of our minds all imperfect ideas and animal impulses; and seek to understand in straightforward simplicity.

"Separation seems to us an evil; but in reality it is not so; it is a condition of growth. Look at this tree; the branch that here has one bark-case, higher up is divided into two. It must be so; without separations nothing can grow into beauty. Therefore if God separates us from our friends, let us remember that separation is not an evil but a means of progress.

"Man is, like the trees, subject to the Law of separation; but he is not, like the trees, its slave. He is the