Page:Logic Taught by Love.djvu/75

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Boole and the Laws of Thought

Thirdly, that sound Thought is always essentially a free Pulsation between extremes. All selection, whether by an adult for himself, or by a teacher for his pupils, should consist in selection of the question to be studied. When once we have decided what we will think about, we must think with perfect impartiality on both sides. In mathematical language we state this by saying that every sound thought-process which can be carried on with respect to any element (x), depends in some way or other on considering x, first as Unity (i.e. Universal and absolute throughout the Universe of Thought), and then as Zero (i.e. non-existent in the Universe of Thought), and then combining the two conceptions. Right conduct (it is often said) is that which keeps the mean between two extremes. Now to know the mean we must know the extremes. Sound thought is related to correct conduct as the pulsation of a Light-ray is related to the onward path of the ray. Whatever hampers the free, side-ways pulsation of the wave from one extreme to the other, interferes with the pure whiteness of the Light; whatever hampers the free swinging of the mind between extremes of opinion, obstructs man's vision of what is right in moral conduct.

A country watchmaker, being asked why being dirty made a watch go fast instead of slow (as the questioner would have expected), replied: "Well, you see, when the wheels are clogged with dirt, it don't go; not to say go; it only niggles-like." This is the explanation of the hurry and fever of life. Our minds are clogged with prejudices and trammelled with superstitions; and they don't really work, they "only niggle-like." We think we are giving our children freedom by presenting to