Page:Logie o' Buchan.pdf/6

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( 6 )

Such hands and bullies then turn thives
observe the dismal story,
By hangie's hands their lives they end,
and that's call'd Tyburn's glory.

Tamie Lamies cure for a druuken wife.

THERE liv'd a wife in ourgate end,
she loe'd a drap of cappie O,
And all the gear that e'er she gat,
she slipt it o'er her gabbie, O,
Upon a frosty winter night.
the wife had got a drappie, O,
And she had pish'd hir coats so well,
she could not find the patie, O.

Bnt, she awa' to her goodman,
they ca'd him Tamie Lamie, O,
Gae ben and fetch the cave to me'
that I may get a dramie, O,
Tamie was an honest man,
himself he took a drappie, O,
It was not well out o'er his craig,
till she was on his tapie, O.

She aid him well baith back an side,
and fair she creish'd his backie, O,