Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/101

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tof a T eft Hence, Sec. 8 i FOR although there is a great Defe- rence in Salts of different Kinds, yet there is a common Property amongfl them all, that when joined together they cannot hardly by any Means poihble be afterwards feparated, for which Reafon, when thefe two Enemies of Mankind were joined, the complicated Evil was at firft cuftomariiy diftinguifhed by the cutlandifr Scurvy, which by a confederate Power had increaied its Malignity to fb great a Degree. But to give fome apparent Facts, which irrefragably prove the natural Union between thefe two Origins of Mifchief,it may be proper to recite fome Symptoms common to them both, and firil:. of all thofe Spots which were their certain Gharacteriflicks* THE Spots of thofe in the Plague were fometimes fo numerous, as to cover all the Body, of which we fhall fay more hereafter ; and if we confider the Appearances and Con- ditions of the Spots in both, we ihall find a very great Agreement ; the peftilential Spots fometimes break out broad, at ether Times more contracted, juft. in the fame Man* ner as it happens in the Scurvy - 7 and as to their Duration, fometimes they are longer out, than at others, in both j now alfo, they G fuddenly