Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/105

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( h ) were rightly managed in the Plague, and per- fectly recovered of it, were afterwards, in ma- ny Refpe&s, better in their Health than be- fore } fo that this terrible Enemy, as it was commonly fatal, fo it alfo fometimes proved a Remedy. And thus much for the Compli- cation of the Peftilence with other Diftem- pers. We fhall now proceed to its Symptoms. SECTION V. Of the manifefi Signs of the Ute Teflilence. T is altogether foreign to my Defign here, to enumerate all the Appearances that belong to a peftilential Conftitution, becaufe a great deal may be afcribed to Phantafie and Conjeclure^ as the Influence of Comets, and the Conjunctions of Planets, with others of like Nature : For what ftrange Notions have been broached concerning this Contagion, which was imported to us from Abroad? Are the Tails of Coniets always armed with peftilential Arrows ? Or is the Air the more impure and unhealthful? Had we any Famine before the laft Sicknefs? Or had we portentious fwarms of lnfe<fts like Clouds o- ver us ? No, juft the contrary, as we before Gbferved j all Things from Nature were G 3 pro-