of the late Teftilence. l 1 9 vaft Coagulation arife? Indeed I do not deny but that a Tumult and Buftle may be occafioned by the Concourie of fuch Princi- ples, as alfo that from fuch a Collu&ation fome faline Particles may be precipitated - and it muft farther be allowed, that a Part will inflate and fwell while fuch Fermentation continues-, but yet I cannot apprehend how Tus can be generated by fuch Means j for by aii Effufion of fuch a Mixture the Serum would he more changed into a Lixivium, than a purulent Matter 5 after the ConflicT: like- wife is over, the Tumor would immediately fubiide and vaniih 5 but, on the contrary, Buboes daily and gradually come to their Height of Suppuration : But I lhall not detain the Reader on this Head any longer, but proceed to a Defcription of a Carbuncle. A Carbuncle then is a fmall Eruption, whofe J. 1 Contents are foon difcharged, after which it appears in a crufty Tubercle about the Bignefs of a Millet Seed, gradually fpreading, and encompatTed with a very red and fiery Circle ^ arifing firft of all from an ichorous Humour, afterwards with great Pain and Heat, from a lixivious and cauftick Poifon. I 4 TH A