Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/174

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1 5 4 Concerning the Cure THEY alfo are under as great an Er- ror, who fetch their Reafons for this Pra- ctice from the Turgefcency of the VefTels ♦ for while inordiate Hurries are excited in the Blood, from difagreeing and hete- rogeneous Particles ftriving to extricate themfelves from one another, there is made thereby only a feeming Plenitude •, what Mad- nefs then muft it be, in order to remove an imaginary Fulnefs, to link the necelfary Strength by a ram Effufion of Blood ? AND lartly, the mortSifick Poifon is not of that kind, as to feek an Efcape at the Orifice of a Vein, and run out with the flowing Blood- and which (as before proved,) affecting chiefly the Spirits, and reflding in other VefTels, makes this Me- thod of Cure in a Feflilence impracticable. I will not however deny but that there may poiilhly be Circumfrances in malignant and peftilential Fevers, which may juftifle Phlebotomy, as when it is done for Revul- lion fake, in too great a Flux of the Menfcs :. But in a genuine PefHlence, it is not to be meddled with. There is but one, as I can remember, who lurvived it in the late Sick- nefs - but it is needlefs to lay any more upon