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iv The PREFACE. ielufory Foundations, and requires the fiver itj of Demonjlration from Facts, and the known Properties of Matter and more ejpecially does the Necefjities we are now under of Arming a^ainjl the mofl powerful Enemy, call for Af- fiances of a more certain Nature ; yet either from the wantonnejfes of a light lmagination,and 4 falfe Philofophy ; or from a Vanity to he taken Notice of, the Puhlick has upon this fad Qccafion been amufed with the Figments and Conceits of Naturalifts,who from the Cafu al- lies and Difemperatures incident to Plants^ and other inanimate Productions of Nature, have drawn Conclufions to jupport very wild Conjectures concerning a like Procedure in the Dijeafes peculiar to Mankind. THE