- -8o Concerning the Cure
diately upon his going to Bed, Alexivharmkh ought to be given, and if thrown up by Vomiting, repeated until the Stomach is ftrengthned, and can retain them ^ and I have always obierved, that flich Kaufeoufnefs goes off as foon as Sweat breaks out. SOME indeed of a very dry Tempera- ment, or from a Confumption of their Hu- midities by the febrile Heat, do not eafily get into a Sweat • fuch therefore 1 ordered liberally to drink of a medicated Poilet- Drink } in order by this Means both to render the viicid Humours more fluid, and contemper and afTwage the feveriih Heat. THE Milk with which this PoiTet- Drink was made, was turned with two Parts of Ale, and one Part of Vinegar, in which had been boiled the Roots of Scor- z^onera and Butter-bur the Leaves of Baumj Scabhs, andlVood-forrel - 7 the Flowers of Bo- rage and Marygolds , the Rafpings of Ivory and Hartflvjrn, and Carduus and Coriander Seeds. THESE Sweats we ufed to keep up for two or three Hours at a 'I ime, as the Strength would bear them ;, and until the mor-