Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/237

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of the late <PeJtiknce. % i 7 are to be driven away by painting Chara&ers upon the Body :, but it is ftrongly to be fii- fpe&ed, that this Practice hath been altoge- ther owing to Jugglers, and Perfons addi&ed to infernal Arts - for what medicinal Virtue can there be in a Figure ? It feems to me, that becaufe the Sacred Myffieries of our Art were anciently defcribed by Hlerogly f hicks 7 the Populace, who were ignorant of their Sig- nifications, miflook them for Charms againft a Plague, and other grievous Difeafes, and they propagated their Delufion down to Po- sterity* THERE are innumerable Preparations of thefe Charms or Amulets to be met with in the Writings of feveral Phyficians :, but I fhall take it to have fufficiently difcharg- ed my Duty here, to mention thofe only which were ufed by our own Country Peo- ple ^ the principal of which was a Walnut filled with Mercury - for it is certain that many did promife to themfelves Se- curity from the Dignity of this Metal, which to them feemed to be the Parent of all others*, others again expected great Matters from its Volatility, notwithstanding ft was thus inclofed, thinking that the natural Heat of the Body would draw inch Ve r