of pefllkntlal Dif cafes. 59 London^ and other great Cities, but through^ out the whole Kingdom, by obliging Phyfi- cianSj Surgeons, Apothecaries, or any th$ moft competent Judges, who attend upon the Sick, or can be informed of the State of the Difeafe, to give it in Writing to a proper Regifter, confHtuted for that purpofe. Such a Method as this, if duly pra&iied, feems not only very effectual to give timely notice of the approaches of any Peftilential or Contagious Diflempers, but alfo to fupply us with fuch Accounts of the Rife, Progrefs, Aggravations, and Remi£- fions of other Difeafes, as would be of very great Service to the Learned. THERE may perhaps lie an Objection with, fome againft this Practice, from the hazard jt puts the Reputation and Memory of fome Perlbns to, whole Cafes will not well bear- fuch Inquiry j but it is to be imagined, that fb private an Inconvenience may not be made a bar to a very publick Benefit : Befides^ ways may poffibly be found to anfwer this main end, of knowing the K umbers carried off by certain Diflempers, without expofmg the particular Perfons fo dying. AS