Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/32

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% 4 An Hiftorical Account calamitous Exigence : Nor was it fatis- fa&ory to that honoured Society to dife charge their Regards for the Publick in that only, but fome were chofe out of their Number, and appointed particularly to attend the infecled on all Occalions . two alfo out of the Court of Aldermen were required to lee this hazardous Task executed - fo that encouraged with all pro- per Means, this Province was chear fully undertaken, and all poilible Caution was ufed fully to anfwer the Intention ^ but this Task was too much for four Perfons, and wanted rather the Concurrence of the whole Faculty } we were however afhamed to give it up, and ufed our utmoft Application there- in ^ but all our Care and Pains were eluded, for the Difeaie, like the tiydras Heads, was no fooner extinguinVd in one Family, but . it broke out in many more with Aggravations ; fo that in a little Time we found our Task too great, and defpaired of putting an entire Stop to the Infection. NOR was there 'at this Time want- ing the Help of very great and worthy Perfons, who voluntarily contributed their A ffi fiances in this dangerous Work ; a- mongft the Number of which, the learned Br,