Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/36

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' i 8 An Hiftorical Account as the City, I fay, was afterwards burnt without any Diftin&ion, in like Manner did this Plague fpare no Order, Age, or Sex j The Divine was taken in the very Exercife of his prieftly Office, to be in- rolled amongrr. the Saints Above and fome Phyficians, as before intimated,* could not find Ailiftance in their own Antidotes, but died in the Adminiftration of them to others } and although the Soldiery retreat- ed from the Field of Death, and encamp- ed out of the City, the Contagion followed, and vaYiquiih'd them j many in their old Age, others in their Prime, funk under its Cruelties - of the Female Sex moft died - 7 and hardly any Children efcaped^ and it was not uncommon to fee an Inheritance pafs fucceilively to three or four Heirs in io many Days - the Number of Sextons were not fufficient to bury the Dead • the Bells feemed hoarie with continual tolling until at lafb they quite ceafed j the bury- ing Places would not hold the Dead, but they were thrown into large Pits dug in wafte Grounds, in Heaps, thirty or forty together m 7 and it often happened, that thofe who attended the Funerals of their Friends one Evening, were carried the next to their own long Home : Quis