Page:Loimologia 1721.djvu/71

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and a Contagion. $ i Caufe it will take Fire, and excite Heat } and the Fever accompanying this prefent Siekneis was of the worffc Kind, both on. Account of its State and Periods, fometimes imitating a Quotidian, and at others a Tertian^ fometimes feeming to retreat^ and at others attacking again with redoubled Fury : There was never a total CelTation^ but fometimes a Remiilion for an Hour or two, although every Exacerbation was worfe than the former } but this 1 pafs by hefe$ having Occaiion hereafter to enlarge further thereupon. A T length therefore, to difcharge my Promife in giving a fhort Account of a Contagion, as of a Difeafe that is commu- nicable that Way only, and killing moil: it feizes, it is to be taken Notice, that the Infection of the peftilential Poifon is not only tranferrable from one Subject to ano- ther, either by mediate or immediate Con- tact, and exciting the fame Symptoms j bu: all the Conditions likewife of its Ex- ertion, are as confpicuous as the Noon-day Sun ^ wherefore thofe Arguments to prove the peftilential Corruption not to arife from Contagion, are trifling, and not worth Notice, as altogether difconfonant to Rea* E t fori