Page:Looters of the Public Domain.djvu/79

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Section cornerstone of two fraudulent claims in 24-1. The first indictment against Puter, McKinley and Marie L. Ware, was based on six bogus entries made in this township

get into him to the extent of $1500, so as to force Lloyd to give him a written contract, in order to secure him on the "Marion County deal," and which transaction was as follows:

Some months prior to the time McKinley sold my three claims in "24-1" to Clyde D. Lloyd, his father, George Lloyd, of Wisconsin, had entered into a verbal agreement with McKinley, whereby he was to furnish money for the purpose of securing timber lands in the State of Oregon, and which lands, when purchased, were to remain in the name of George Lloyd, until such a time as they considered the price sufficiently advanced to justify them in disposing of the same. McKinley, it will be understood, was to select the land, at which time Lloyd Sr. would have his son, Clyde D., examine them, and if his report proved favorable, the amount was to be produced forthwith, and the deal closed. These lands were to be held in the name of George Lloyd until such time as he or McKinley learned of an opportunity to make transfer at a considerable advance, when, if agreeable to both parties, the land would be sold, at which time George Lloyd was to deduct the amount advanced by him, together with the interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and turn over to McKinley one-half of the net profits.

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